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Changes to the 2024-25 School Calendar for the month of April

Posted Date: 2/21/25 (7:19 PM)

Following the latest No School Day on Tuesday, we now have 4 unplanned No School Days (1 for State VB & 3 for Winter Weather) and 3 unplanned 2-hour late starts and early dismissals. Due to the hours missed thus far, we are currently 2 hours short of the 1080 instructional hours required by Iowa Code for a school year. This means we will need to add hours and make adjustments to meet state requirements. 

Additionally, we recognize that winter might not be over, and we may experience further lost instructional time in the coming weeks and months.  We also have a tight timeline for when the school year needs to end, as major construction and renovation work is being done at our ENP Elementary School over the summer of 2025.  We need every day possible to ensure an on-time start for the 2025-26 School Year.

I have consulted with both School Boards and our Administrative Team regarding options for recouping instructional hours for the 2024-25 School Year. We will implement 3 changes to the April School Calendar, allowing us to recover 10.5 hours of instructional time for the school year.

April 2nd will now be a full school day (No 2-Hour Early Out).
April 21st will now be a school day for students and staff (No Teacher PD Day).
April 30th will now be a full school day (No 2-Hour Early Out).

Attached, you will find a copy of the updated 2024-25 Master Calendar, and changes have also been made to the online Master Calendar. We wanted to provide this information as soon as possible so you can adjust your personal and professional schedules accordingly.

Thanks for your flexibility and understanding,