Important Memo:
Changes to school pick-up & drop-off at ENP Elementary School beginning Monday, March 24, 2025 (1st day after Spring Break) through the end of the school year due to construction at ENP Elementary School. These traffic flow changes are needed due to the beginning of construction on the new gym addition at ENP Elementary School beginning on Monday, March 17, 2025.
Please see the diagram and read the description of each part of the diagram below. We will have staff out to help direct traffic for the first few days until we get the new procedures down. We ask that you please follow these important new procedures to help ensure the safety of #OurKids!
ENP Elementary Student Parent Before School Drop Off & After School Pick Up: Parents dropping off or picking up elementary students are asked to do so on the south side of 11th Avenue next to the ENP Elementary School building between 9th and 10th streets. Pull in to pickup and drop off just like you have in the past, just at the new location. We ask that you stay in your vehicle and all students exit the vehicle from the passenger side.
Middle School Student Parent Before School Drop Off & After School Pick Up: Parents dropping off or picking up middle school students are asked to do so on the north side of 12th Avenue next to the ENP Elementary School building between 9th and 10th streets. Middle School Students should line up on the south side of the elementary playground while waiting for bus pick-up in the morning. Students will need to stand on their bus color paw print on the blacktop of the playground.
Bus Pickup & Drop off: 9th St. between 11th and 12th Avenue will now be closed to through traffic and our four buses will pick-up and drop-off students there. New colored route waiting lines will be painted, and students should get on the same colored route they have always ridden on.